Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Red Phone for the White House

I've been on the down and out side of life for the past couple of days, as an old back injury decided to pay me a visit. It's still quite sore, but hopefully I'll be back to work and back to writing more tomorrow. Pain is not my friend...

I couldn't resist this one, as it so purely displays how MSNBC is in the tank and in the business of defending the Obama administration.

Good old Keith Olbermann, seems we can always count on him for some funny.

Notice how Olbermann tries to deflect the administration's inadequacies onto Beck, who is just an opinion guy, while completely disregarding the fact that it is the job of the president to handle our wartime affairs?

BTW - if you're not keeping up with Beck's show, he's installed a red phone on the set, which is an exclusive number that only can be accessed by The White House, so that they may issue immediate, on-the-spot corrections.

No calls to the red phone yet.

Read more about the red phone here


The Conservative Lady said...

Olbermoron is the "Most Obnoxious Person in the Wooooorld.

tammy said...

Sorry about your back.

I can't stand to listen to the guy. He's an idiot. Like you said, he's clearly got Beck's job desription mixed up with someone else's.

Candle said...

Wow, this guy's actually not good at his job... I mean, its not funny, not interetsing, and its 'slamming' Beck for not being as interested in Afghanistan as he is in the radical takeover of our coutry. The thing is, being interested in whatever he wants is Beck's job. The President's job is to be interested in Afghanistan. Wow, its like yelling at your cat because the neighbor is giving out better halloween candy than you.

blackandgoldfan said...

Hope you're feeling better, Soloman. We miss you out here!

Olbermann is nothing more than a whiny, jealous, small man who has no idea as to what Americans want.

For some reason, an image of him and Matthews together just popped into my mind. Now I need brain Drano. EWWW!

Rest up and get back when you're able! All my best!

Amusing Bunni said...

Solomon: I agree w/ B & G! Olbermann is a jerk. Glenn is our Hero, I love him more every day. The red phone is an inspired idea, but of course the babies will never call it, they're too scared.

I sure hope you back is feeling better! I can't stand pain either, and when your back hurts, it's really disabling. Mine bothers me now and then, and my neck, so I know how you feel. Take Care.

Soloman said...

TCL - true that, I can't stand him, except to witness hypocrisy at its finest.

Soloman said...

Tammy - it's classic liberal deflection. They can't debate facts as presented, so they change the subject.

Soloman said...

B&G - thanks for sharing that image.. (not).

TMI, lady... TMI...

Brain Drano - like that one!

Soloman said...

Candle - I've got lesser things to yell at the cat about! lol...

Seriously, though - you're right, he's terrible at his job as defined, but remember, he's preaching to feeble minds, and they'll eat that stuff up and spew it all over their friends at HuffPo and Kos. They think Olbermann is a real journalist - imagine?

Soloman said...

Bunni - agreed, Glenn is great. The thing I like about him the most is that he doesn't just preach and expect people to sponge the info, he preaches the need to verify - so very important that he expects his audience to educate themselves.

One Ticked Chick said...

Hope you feel better quickly, Sol. Olbermann is a pinhead and a hater.

Soloman said...

Hey Ticked.. feeling better - thanks to all of you for your concern.

And yes.. thank goodness for Olbermann... he keeps the bright light shining on just what the far left really is about.