Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dallas Tea Party Invites Keith Olbermann to Rally

Cliff at Another Black Conservative had this video posted. I heard the audio on Glenn Beck's radio show today, and I couldn't help but laugh. This was very well produced.

I found it particularly interesting that the size of Tea Party events has been minimized until now, when suddenly Olbermann needs to call them "The largest crowd you'll see in your life..."

Teresa has another great video posted at teresamerica - it's called "CountBrown with Keith Olbermann's Conscience." It's an excellent mockery of Olbermann's obsession with quotas of non-whites at Tea Party events.


Opus #6 said...

Olb makes no sense. We are post racial now. All Americans here. Why is he obsessed about race?

spc said...

Race is the safety net of the liberal side. They feel that they have purchased their allegiance and bringing out the race card is a rallying cry for the troops. It attempts to bring forth a distraction from the actual issue by demonizing a point of view by associating it with race(ism).

It is a very deceptive practice and it works most of the time because of the "indoctrination" in the public schools and through the media. Perception, unfortunately, is reality, and with the constant bombardment of this so-called "issue" (which is only drummed up by liberals) to the general population, most of which are too apathetic or indifferent, their mind is made up (subconsciously) before the issue has made its way into the conscious mind.

It's evil genius.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I don't hate a lot of people, but damn Keith you earned it.

Soloman said...


Clearly we are not "post-racial" as you say, because the leftists will not let us be.

And with that - every time a leftist calls me a racist, I grow a little more proud.

Soloman said...

ozzie -

Thanks for coming by!

I agree with you that the leftists use race as a safety net, or as a hammer if they think they've really got something effective to pound on...

However, I believe that generally speaking they are being exposed, in kind of a "boy who cried wolf" way.

These days only the ignorant and the true believers of the leftist cause really believe that Tea Party Patriots are racists.

Soloman said...

Odie -

For me it's quite the contrary...

I love the guy, because he continues to expose the left for what hypocrisy it is!

Anonymous said...

Ah these videos are wonderful. Way to put him in his place.

Soloman said...

Gliss -

Thanks for coming by! Glad you enjoyed the clips : )