Saturday, August 15, 2009

Glenn Beck Sponsorship

I have written the following letters to companies who have recently dropped their sponsorship of Glenn Beck.

While it is a personal decision to get involved to this level, I encourage each of you who read this post to copy my letters, edit to fit your needs or style, and sent them to the appropriate addresses. Also, please send a link to this page to any friend or family mamber who might feel that these businesses are making ill-advised decisions by dropping their sponsorship of Glenn Beck.

This is a battle of ideas, and good business practice is one of the ideas I believe in more than any other. To allow partisan politics to interfere with potential profit is not a prudent business decision. I believe over time these places of business will see the error of their ways, but any encouragement is helpful.

Radio Shack

To -

I am writing this letter to tell you that I am extremely disappointed in your recent decision to drop sponsorship of Glenn Beck on FNC.

Until I learn otherwise, I will no longer be a consumer of your products, and I will tell all my friends, family, and coworkers to please avoid your stores and products.

There are plenty of other electronics retailers available. While they might not offer quite the same service, they are not making business decision based on partisan politics, and therefore will have my business from this day forward.


The next few, I felt, fit the same letter:

sanofi-aventis -

Roche -

Proctor & Gamble - - ( I selected testimonials)

ConAgra Foods -

I am writing to inform you of my extreme disappointment, as I learned you have dropped your sponsorship of Glenn Beck on FNC.

I feel this decision is not made in the interest of good business, but rather in the interest of partisan politics.

Unless I learn that you have changes your decision, I will do all I can to avoid use of your products. I will ask my family, friends, and coworkers to do the same. I also will be posting this letter to my personal blog, and asking anyone who read it to consider their choices, and hope they will make an effort to avoid your products as well.

Thank you.

And finally, Geico -

I am writing to inform you of my extreme disappointment, as I learned you have dropped your sponsorship of Glenn Beck on FNC.

I feel this decision is not made in the interest of good business, but rather in the interest of partisan politics.

I am currently a GEICO customer. However, when my policy expires, unless I learn you have changed your position regarding advertisements during Glenn Beck's program, I will be canceling my policy and securing automobile insurance with another provider.

Thank you very much.

Emailing companies and informing them you are not impressed by their politics interfering in their business decisions - so easy a caveman can do it.


Opus #6 said...

Sol, thanks for the comment. I didn't see this last night. I wrote a story just now linking to you. Great post.

Teresa said...

Thanks for the information of which sponsors have dropped Glenn Beck. Now I know which companies I will be avoiding their products and services. I also want to reward the companies who are supporting Glenn and backing him up, so at least we can support the companies that have integrity and are standing behind Beck. I will definitely be sending letters.

Unknown said...

Also goes for me. I had no idea which corps were pulling ads. I should have assumed ConAgra, but Geico confuses me.

Amusing Bunni said...

Hi Sol: I found your blog on Opie's site with the link! It is really great. Thanks for this list of jerky companies, I will be writing them! Your sample letters are wonderful, and I'll add some of my own thoughts.
Like your widget of glen's sayings too!
Take care, Bunni

Merryheart said...

Nice work, Solomon. I found your blog after searching "support Glenn Beck." I wrote protest emails to the cowardly companies before I got here. I'll try to keep an eye on your site, and link yours on mine, though I haven't had time to blog much lately.


Soloman said...

Merryheart - thank you for the kind words.

Stop back and say hi anytime!