How's this for "change?"

Hat tip to Feed Your ADHD, The Conservative Lady, and to all those to whom they give credit.
My original title stated that Barack Hussein Obama was speaking to first graders; it appears that was incorrect. Sorry, leftists.. it was sixth graders. I stand corrected. Oops.
And in case there's any question, Snarky Basterd at Feed Your ADHD has found this link to the source of the original pictures.
At list the cowboy Bush spoke from his heart and didn't need a teleprompter. I don't think its possible for our current president to detach himself from the teleprompter. It seems he spends much more time with the teleprompter than Michelle these days. They are becoming quite the couple.
Wouldn't you need a teleprompter to keep all those crazy thoughts organized too?
DWEEB Extraordinaire !!!!!!!!
first off, what does it say about the state of public education in AMERICA when 6th graders still have ring around the rosy or duck, duck goose inlays on the carpet in their classroom?
next one can never be too careful when preaching the party lines to the already fully indoctrinated, i.e.the press. the kids are still projects under construction. shovel ready projects that is, as his policies will bury them.
love the captions!
It wound up that he spoke to kids in one room and then did his I am God thing with TOTUS for the press in another room. What a friggin' story... but the ride sure was fun.
Ugh, he's such an embarrassment.
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