In a statement Saturday night, the White House said Jones was giving up his post at the Council on Environmental Quality, where he helped coordinate government agencies focused on delivering millions of green jobs to the ailing U.S. economy.
"On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones said in the statement. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."
Adding that he came to Washington to "fight for others, not for myself," Jones said in the statement, "I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future.
Jones stepped into a firestorm of a situation created by President Obama as Obama stood up for his buddy, professor Henry Louis Gates, rather than remaining neutral until all the facts came to light in the dispute between Gates and Sgt. James Crowley. Because of President Obama's irresponsible posturing, radio and television host Glenn Beck said, amongst other things, that he believed Barack Obama "has a deep seeded hatred for White people or the White culture" and that he believed "President Obama is a racist."
Enter Van Jones. Through a non-profit he co-founded, ColorOfChange, Jones publicly (yet invisibly) railed against Beck, pushing Beck's advertising sponsors to pull their spots with him in an effort to affect Beck's personal finance, as well as his stature in the media. Jones was joined by the usual liberal suspects; Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and MSNBC as well as others claimed Beck was out of line, and that he was the real racist. During the height of the controversy, Huffington Post had as many as five (negative) front page articles about Beck, and Keith Olbermann on MSNBC kept a running tally of advertisers who had pulled their spots from Beck's programming (although Olbermann's count was often largely inaccurate).
Beck responded by doing the work not being done by the media today - he began to research and find FACTS about Jones, including but not limited to the fact that Jones is a self-proclaimed Communist, statements made about Columbine-style shootings in White neighborhoods, and the idea that President George W. Bush allowed the attacks of September 11th, 2001 happen. Jones signed a petition at 911Truth.org, but has since claimed he was not fully aware of what he was signing.
Glenn Beck issued the following statement regarding the resignation of Jones:
"The American people stood up and demanded answers. Instead of providing them, the Administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness. I continue to be amazed by the power of everyday Americans to initiate change in our government through honest questioning, and judging by the other radicals in the administration, I expect that questioning to continue for the foreseeable future."
Thanks to Beck's hard work and persistence, as well as the dedication and hard work of relentless Americans (including bloggers - pat yourselves on the back!) Jones was put into a position where he felt the best thing to do was to step down. He did so on a Saturday night during a four-day holiday weekend, as the nation awaits the return of Congress and The President to continue the ongoing debate about "health care reform."
I would like to personally thank Jones and President Obama for showing us exactly what they are made of and who they are. These two men have shown us exactly what cowardice is.
Rather than accepting responsibility for his poor decision making, President Obama stood by silently and put Jones in the awkward position of taking responsibility for the situation. To his credit, Jones finally did so. However, to step aside under the cover of night, over an extended holiday weekend, tells me that you do not have the mettle to stand by the statements you have made, nor do you have the credibility to warrant the actions you have taken against Glen Beck in an effort to discredit him.
I call on all my friends, family, and fellow bloggers who care about this situation - now is not the time to sit back and relish the moment. This is only one small battle in a larger war. We must continue to expose all of the appointments with which we take issue. For me, this is all "special advisers" or "czars" - not just for this administration, but for any future administrations as well. The President has a cabinet; these are his advisers. Should a President feel the need for a larger staff of advisers, he should do exactly as did George W. Bush with regard to Homeland Security - present his or her case through the legislature, and have a new cabinet position created - legally, without the possibility of question for person or position. This will ensure the American people that all persons advising The President in a legitimate manner are fully vetted by Congress and the FBI.
man....your blog sucks dude.
Thanks for posting anonymously. You've obviously got the balls of President Obama. None.
It's okay, Soloman...the mark of an effective conservative blogger is having your own pet Liberal Troll gutless wonder to make anonymous hit & run drive-by bitchings on your posts. It's the online equivalent of egging your house, equally as childish.
Sweet, Steve - that means I've made it?
And here I thought Jones was attacking me personally, now that he's got no job...
Your post is right on, no matter what Anonymous (I don't have enough guts to say who I really am) says. That's called "drive-by stupid".
Awesome post. The more trolls you have, the more effective you are at getting the conservative message out. Take it as a mark of distinction.
So thanks Obama, Van Jones, and our beloved Anonymous Trolls. We couldn't do this without you. <3
Hey TCL - thanks. I'm good, no worry what anon has to say. "Drive-By Stupid" - I like it..
Thanks, Opie - I'm proud of my new troll... well, my first troll, really...
Maybe if they'd leave their names I could start a "Troll of the Month Club?" lol...
One czar down, many more to go...
Solomon, I found you in a comment thread over at America's Right and clicked on your name.
You're good! Will be back.
Hi Gail - glad you found me, come back anytime!
Thanks--have you bookmarked, too.
Did you get a copy of the Kenyan BC that Orly Taitz has added to the U.S. District Court of So. Cal., and the signed affidavit of Lucas/Louis Daniel Smith (can't remember which) who went to Kenya and got it?
Gail - Can't say I know anything about it.
One thing I will say upfront, and I mean no offense - but I'm not a "birther" and I really have trouble subscribing to the whole birth certificate issue.
If nothing else, I look at things this way - we've made it through over half a year of Obama, and we are strong. Should something really serious arise, he will be taken out of power legally. In the mean time - If Obama is removed over the birth certificate, Biden goes too - leaving us Nancy Pelosi in charge. No thank you!
Anyway.. I just don't think it's something to make such an issue of, all it does is makes good conservatives look like hateful racist rednecks, and that's not what we are and not what we need to present.
"The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that's what I intend to reverse when I'm president of the United States."
-Sen. Barack Obama, March 31, 2008
Solomon--click on my name and send me an email. Want to share some things that I don't want posted for public consumption.
Thanks, Tammy! I'm adding that quote to the signature for my emails.
You knew he was going to sneak out in the middle of the night like that.
Beck for the win!!
Soloman: I did a post a few weeks ago on how to deal with trolls and how to spot one. Just click my "Trolls" label.
They're so cute when they're pissy!
You have arrived, my friend!
Hi Solomon! This is a great post. I was online midnite the other day when the gutless wonder resigned. Made my day. Typical of Obummer and his minions.
All the czars should be investigated. There isn't a right thinking non-commie in the bunch!
Congrats, your first troll. I get more than my share, but I choose to delete and ignore them, I get enuf trolls bothering me at work, and I can't be bothered!
Our great pals on here will take care of them.
Thanks for the link you put on your comment of my Red chinese flag post. Typical the WH would backtrack. Becoming standard MO of these POS's.
Great blog, just found you!
The fight is NOT over, this is but one small step. And I have a feeling we will be defending Glenn Beck a lot more now too. Especially since that moron Olbermann has asked people to send him anything they've got on Glenn. Grrr.
Tammy - great quote! Funny how hypocritical this administration is proving to be.
And as much as Beck - America for the Win!!
B & G - I'll have to take a look at your post. I don't really care about them, in case you didn't notice the tone of my reply basically said "don't bother."
Anyhoo - good to know I've arrived, I guess!?!? Thought I was already here.. lol..
Bunni - I don't think I'll delete them, I'll just keep them there, kinda like notches on the headboard...
Yeah, isn't it interesting how the WH changed its tune? Not really surprising, though. Seems they run things like Microsoft - beta test everything on the public at large, and adjust accordingly. I know I've never seen anything like it - except Microsoft.
Hi Janie Lynn - glad you stopped by, thanks for the compliment. I see you're working one too - I added you to my "blogs I follow" list, and I'll stop by from time to time.
I saw that thing about Olbermann, and posted about it tonight, along with some "interesting" entries I found on Huffington Post.
See you..
I really love that last paragraph you've got there!! So very important to not give up now.
Mikki - that's the whole thing. This is just the beginning of an awakening. It's not just about Obama, it's about accountability amongst ALL politicians. Period.
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