The vote, which passed 83-7 in a Democratic led Senate Chamber, would deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. This denial of funds was included in a must-pass spending bill that funds housing and transportation programs for the fiscal year that starts October 1.
This announcement comes on the heels of the appearance of yet another undercover videotaping in an office of ACORN. This taping took place in the Brooklyn, NY office, and was documented by the same two young individuals who have caused the prior controversy, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles.
In the past week, Miss Giles and Mr. O'Keefe, with the cooperation of Andrew Breitbart's new website Big Government and Fox News have uncovered unscrupulous behaviors in Baltimore, MD, Washington, DC, as well as this most recent exposure of misconduct in Brooklyn.
In addition to the denial of funding, ACORN has been removed from any participation in the 2010 Census.
Tonight on Hannity, Breitbart and Giles acknowledged that tomorrow there will be yet another scathing announcement about ACORN, and immediately after that segment Fox News Channel ran a promo for The Glenn Beck Program which offered a tease that his show will have an exclusive on the most damaging information about ACORN brought forward to date.
They have to keep up the pressure. This den of criminals needs to be completely exposed, not partially damaged.
Opie - couldn't agree more.
I am very interested to see what tomorrow's announcement is = Beck said it will make the skin melt off your face.
That's pretty extreme, even from a guy who claims to have blood shooting out of his eyes quite often.
I was happy to hear that the Census Bureau has dropped ACORN from helping with the census. This group is nothing but a bunch of low-life criminals. And to think that before his election Obama promised them a seat at his table to help form policy is disgusting.
TCL - this thing just keeps getting better.
Obama may not have direct ties to ACORN, but there are enough implied ties, including his own words, that he is deep into a place he does not want to be.
Today Breitbart was on Beck's radio show and said he witnessed Obama and Bill Clinton heading out of the WH for lunch together.
During that discussion, Breitbart was willing to suppose that it was a meeting of the minds in a defensive measure. Very interesting...
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