Maddow attempted to equate Grayson's "Holocaust" rhetoric to statements made by Republican representatives. She actually had a little bit of a point, in the sense that it has taken some extreme statements by those on the right to awaken the masses to the oncoming socialistic monstrosity known as "health care reform."
However, she went over the top in the number of Republican quotes she used, and there came a point where the quotes she played were actually based in hard fact, therefore invalidating her comparison completely.
Maddow attempted to regain some credibility by offering criticizm of Grayson, stating that his remarks could be "part of that inflammatory montage" and were a "departure from the civility that you would hope to see in political debate in Congress." However, she then tried to go back to slamming Republicans, saying that due to their previous remarks it is ridiculous of Republicans to demand an apology from Grayson.
As she introduced Grayson, Maddow asked if he meant his words literally. He attempted to say that it was all tounge-in-cheek; then proceeded change the subject by stating that Republicans have no plan for health insurance reform. This is simply untrue, as seen in this outline available for all to read. Additionally, Republicans have been pigeonholed in committee on more than one occasion since this issue again became the national debate.
To be fair to Maddow, she attempted to pin Grayson down to the Third Reich reference invoked by his rhetoric. He waffled twice, attempting to deflect the issue back to words said by Republicans, and raising issues like "44,000 people dying every year because they don't have health care" which is an open-ended and unverifiable number meant to pull at heart strings.
Upon her third request for his opinion as to whether or not he thought "Holocaust" was appropriate, he finally offered an explanation of sorts. As Maddow nodded her head in agreement, Grayson said:
"It may not have been the best choice of words, but my words don't matter, that's not what's important here. What's important is that we do what we need to do, that we solve these problems."
When given a chance to truly call out one of her own, she nods like the good media sheep that she is and allows Grayson to attempt to diminish the importance of his own words. After Maddow just browbeat the hell out of Conservatives for their "hateful rhetoric," as has been done by the entire left-wing media since the beginning of this discussion to anyone who offers a dissenting opinion, she does not stop him and at least make some small effort to put Grayson in his place? Fascinating, to say the least.
Grayson then goes back to the party line of "Republicans do nothing, all they do is block everything." Maddow then opens up the opportunity for Grayson's Grand Finale, and it indeed is grand.
She asks what would be the best method for Democrats to fight Republicans, complimenting him on how he's taken a very "rhetorical stand" as a legislator, just as he campaigned... funny, didn't we just discuss how rhetoric and argumentative stances are not what's best - if a Republican is doing it?
I'm not going to tell you how it ended... but if you want to shortcut, jump in at about the 9:00 mark...