Saturday, December 26, 2009

Notes From The Homeland

Happy Saturday morning to all...

I arrived safely in Cleveland on Thursday night, not for lack of the airlines messing with me a little bit. I had a connection in Chicago at Midway. My flight from Phoenix was delayed by about 45 minutes (something about air traffic control in San Fransisco), and my layover at Midway was to be about the same length of time. Uh-oh...

Needless to say, when we landed at Midway I was off the plane in no time and looking at the monitor (smart Soloman sat in the first row aisle seat, gotta love 'A' boarding group on Southwest). We arrived at gate C-something way up the concourse... maybe 11? and I had to get to gate A-9 where the monitor said flight 618 to Cleveland was already boarding. Crap.

Carl Lewis I am not, suffice it to say. It must be nearly half a mile from C-whatever I was at to A-9, or at least it sure felt like it. People were turning and looking at the crazy guy huffing and puffing his way through the airport, running somewhat flat-footed I'm sure as my shoes are more walking than running style. Of course none of the moving sidewalks were working, so I couldn't gain any headway by way of mechanical assistance.

I got to A-9 as they were still boarding, though - woohoo!! I asked which group was currently boarding, and a man responded "B-group." "Oh," I replied, "I have A-group, I wonder if they'll still let me on." (I can laugh at that question now). Needless to say, I was a bit out of sorts...

So I'm huffing and puffing as I walk down the ramp-thing onto the plane, as the same guy was nice enough to let me in line in front of him. He asked if I was coming from a connecting flight, I told my brief story and he said back to me "Well, you may be needing oxygen soon, but at least you made it!" Little did I know...

I laughed.. and then as the line stopped for a moment I grabbed the handrail and had a nice head-spin. He wasn't too far off.

I found a burning at the bottom of my lungs I have not felt in about ten years, and have decided that since yesterday was my official one year anniversary of quitting smoking, this year I'd add a new anniversary - exercise. I'm cutting myself some slack as I'm on vacation here, but I definitely will be starting a new routine when I get home.

Now - want to laugh at me? (That's easy!) There was a mom with her two teenage daughters on the same flight out of Phoenix, and they came walking on board flight 618 looking just as relaxed as could be. Oh well... I gained a lesson from the experience. I'm out of shape... I guess I needed to know that.

All the family's yet to arrive, but I'm enjoying my visit thus far, just as I would have expected. Uncle Soloman gets to become a guitar teacher over the holiday, as Santa brought one of my nieces a pretty purple guitar - just the color she wanted! Amazing, that Santa guy...

Our guitar player in waiting is determined that she'll be a pro by the time I go home. Oh, the life lesson she is in for. I love the concept of guitar playing, it taught me an unbelievable amount of patience, and honestly helped me grow as a person. Immensely.

We had three 'lessons' last night (a lesson lasts about 5 or 10 minutes before her fingertips start to hurt) and I have already been informed that we will be spending a great deal of time on more lessons.

I, of course, am more than happy to oblige. It will be great fun to impart some knowledge, and most important to share some time.

Things in life can certainly happen in interesting ways. Before I left Phoenix, I was debating whether or not to post a "Friday Night Video" ahead of schedule. I opted not. However, I did spend some time on YouTube in the process of the debate, and one of the songs I thought about posting was by U2.

As I came in to use my Mom's computer this morning, I looked at the top of her desk area, and she has a card - business-sized - in a little stand. It reads "He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand."

So one day late - my Friday Night Video I might have posted. One of my all-time favorite U2 songs, taken from one of my all time favorite concert videos,"Live at Red Rocks."

'40.' Merry Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Deep breaths to you, my friend. Enjoy the smells and voices of home.

tammy said...

Glad you made it. And congrats on being smoke-free for a year! Enjoy your time. Maybe Luvpilot will be your pilot on the way home.

The Conservative Lady said...

Happy you're there safe and sound, although a little winded. Have fun with your family. The little guitar student will never forget your taking time for lessons. What fun!

Opus #6 said...

Have a great time and a safe trip back.

Kid said...

After 10 years as a road warrior in the business world, I can say, I've had a few similar experiences, and as you probably did, I felt kinda like I emerged from a booby trap. But better there than late. After all the monitor said "BOARDING!!!!"

One time I flew out on one airline and came back on another. First time for that. I didn't bother looking at the return ticket until after I turned in the car and was deposited on the curb of terminal A with my bags, packed for a 2 week trip, to finally check my ticket to find I needed to be at Terminal C. In 30 minutes. No, I was not going to do an OJ with my bags. I paid a Cabbie 20 to drive me a mile and had to talk him into it !
At least curb check-in was still provided.

Have a great time with family Sol !

Teresa said...

I am glad that you made it there safe and sound. Sounds like you are having a great time with family. Have fun!! Have a safe plane ride back.

cbullitt said...

Hope Christmas was wonderful. Happy New Year.

Candle said...

Great video, great song. Dude, you gotta take care of yourself - you and me both. My wife and I have agreed to finally lose weight this year. It is a resolution I'm going to keep. Happy New Years!

Amusing Bunni said...

Hi Solomon! Happy New Year! Congrats on being smoke free for over one year now.
I hope your 2010 is your best happiest year ever.
Great video, I like Red Rock U2 too!